E-bike frame locks: Everything you need to know

FIT e-bike has a new e-bike lock in its range: the Linka FIT 100 mm electronic frame lock. We took this as an opportunity to showcase the pros of frame locks in more detail.

Thefts on the rise

The number of e-bike thefts continues to spike in Switzerland, according to a study by the insurance comparison portal Hellosafe. Statistics show that more than 21,000 e-bikes were reported stolen throughout Switzerland last year, which is a 50% increase between 2022 and 2023. The financial loss is considerable. The analysts at Hellosafe calculated that these thefts have cost the insurance companies CHF 83 million. The situation in Germany is similarly disheartening: In 2023, bicycle thefts there cost the insurance companies more than ever before. According to data from the German Insurance Association (GDV), the total amount of loss in the Federal Republic increased from EUR 140 million (2022) to EUR 160 million (2023).

No wonder, then, that more and more e-bike riders want better protection for their e-bikes. One of many options is the e-bike frame lock. Thanks to its design, it offers an attractive combination of practicality and safety, which is particularly appealing for city e-bikes and commuter bicycles.

What is an e-bike frame lock?

Basically, a frame lock is a lock fixed to the bicycle frame that blocks the rear wheel and prevents would-be thieves from riding off with the bicycle. It is one of the most convenient and user-friendly security solutions for bicycles and e-bikes. Unlike other bicycle locks – such as U-locks, folding locks or chain locks – the frame lock is always attached to the bicycle and cannot be forgotten or lost. Many e-bikers also use it together with one of the aforementioned locks, which gives them twice the security when parking.

The advantages of an e-bike frame lock at a glance

  • Practicality: As it is mounted firmly to the frame, you can’t forget or lose it.
  • User-friendliness: Easy to use, as you don’t have to carry the lock in a backpack or other bag.
  • Intended use: Ideal for city e-bikes and commuters who often make quick stops and want to park their bicycle securely, without carrying heavy anti-theft protection with them every time.

The disadvantages of an e-bike frame lock at a glance

  • Not attached to fixed objects: Protects only the rear wheel and does not prevent the bicycle from being carried away.
  • Limited flexibility: Not always compatible with all bicycle frames and e-bike models. It can also be difficult to install with certain bicycle types or frame geometries.
  • Weight: May increase the total weight of the bicycle, which can be disadvantageous, particularly for light e-bikes.

E-bike frame lock: Profile of the «Linka FIT 100 mm electronic frame lock»

With the Linka FIT 100 mm electronic frame lock FIT now also has an e-bike frame lock in its range. And what’s more, the FIT lock is an electronic frame lock, meaning it can be secured and unlocked with an electronic key. Like a classic frame lock, the lock is mounted onto the bicycle frame. It is then connected to the FIT system (CAN) by cable. The lock can then be closed and opened either using your smartphone with the FIT E-Bike Control App, the FIT e-bike key, or the display. Settings are entered in the app.

By the way: The lock is ART II certified, meaning it can also withstand attacks with a bolt cutter.

What is an electronic frame lock?

As we learned in the previous section, the Linka FIT 100 mm is an electronic frame lock. These frame locks provide additional security features that mechanical locks do not have. These include:

  • GPS tracking: Some models are equipped with GPS, so you can easily locate the bicycle in case it is stolen.
  • Remote contro: Electronic locks can often be controlled via a smartphone app, which offers added convenience and security.

How to best use an e-bike frame lock

Even if a frame lock alone offers good protection, it is advisable to combine it with an additional lock – such as a U-lock, folding lock or chain lock. This increases security and further deters potential thieves. Incidentally, a compatible chain lock is available directly from Linka.

If possible, you should use stationary objects to connect locks like these. Whatever option you choose, park your e-bike in well-lit and busy places and follow our tips on parking e-bikes safely.

Generally speaking, a frame lock is a practical and effective way to protect your e-bike. It is easy to use, always close at hand and, in its electronic version, offers numerous practical functions. Take a closer look at our new Linka FIT 100 mm electronic frame lock!
