Need to dispose of an e-bike battery? Here’s how

What happens when it’s out with the defective battery and in with the new? We’ve created this blog post to guide you through the process of e-bike battery disposal and recycling.

1. How will you know it’s time for a new e-bike battery?

No battery lasts forever, as you probably know from your smartphone and other lithium-ion battery-powered devices. At some point, batteries don't hold a charge like they once did, and eventually the battery capacity is so low that you can't make the most of your device's features. It’s no different with an e-bike battery. In other words, it’s time to replace the defective e-bike battery for a new one.

2. What are the laws on e-bike battery recycling?

While getting a new pedelec battery is simple, disposal may seem like a mystery. Actually, the process is straightforward, thanks to a number of regulations on disposing of e-bike batteries. In the EU, for instance, European Directives 2012/19/EU and 2006/66 EC require that out-of-service electronic devices, or defective/dead batteries be separated from other waste and recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. Important: NEVER store a defective battery at home. Defective batteries do pose a fire hazard.

There are also national regulations alongside the EU directives. In Switzerland, all sales outlets and dealers are required by law to take back batteries free of charge, even if you aren't making another purchase there. Thanks to this law, according to the organization Swiss Recycle there are more than 11,000 drop-off points in Switzerland including retail shops, specialist dealers, department stores and even post offices, kiosks, and gas-station convenience marts.

Germany is another example of national disposal regulations, with the German Batteries Act (BattG). Section 11 of this law requires that consumers dispose of the e-batteries properly and prohibits disposal with regular household waste. On the retail side, Section 9 requires dealers to take the batteries back and Section 8 stipulates that companies and importers must ensure appropriate return processes, free of charge. One well-known foundation that promotes safe battery collection in Germany is GRS Batterien.

3. Hazardous/special waste collection

As we explained in 2. above, the only way to dispose of your defective e-bike battery is with an authorized collection system. Never (!) throw the battery in with your household waste or residual waste. In Switzerland, you can bring it to a recycling center («Ökihof») or municipal collection point. Germany also has recycling sites («Wertstoffhöfe») for this purpose. Pro tip: Call or check online first to be sure that the recycling center near you does in fact accept defective e-bike batteries. This will save you time and trouble! And for safety's sake: Before transporting a battery for disposal, place some adhesive tape over the terminals to prevent fires.

4. Specialist dealer collection

Many e-bike enthusiasts choose to return their defective batteries to an authorized specialist dealer, which makes sense considering that you are likely to purchase your new e-bike battery from the same shop. Many dealers have thought it through and collect defective e-bike batteries in fireproof containers or rooms for future pickup by disposal companies. But remember: Call or check online first to be sure that the dealer near you does in fact accept defective e-bike batteries. This will save you time and trouble!

5. So how does e-bike battery recycling work?

Defective e-bike batteries can indeed be recycled for the most part. Much progress has been made in recent years. Organizations such as GRS Batterien (GRS) in Germany assist with disposal and preparation of these batteries. The recycling process is where the specialized companies come in. First, they discharge the batteries in salt water, which minimizes the potential fire risk, then they shred them with special equipment for lithium-ion batteries. The valuable elements such as nickel, copper and cobalt are filtered out from what remains, making them ready for a new purpose. So, is this system effective? Just look at the statistics from Germany: The 212,735 tons of used batteries that entered the special recycling stream (i.e., all batteries, and not just those for e-bikes) added up to 168,708 tons of secondary raw materials.

Need to dispose of an e-bike battery? The bottom line

Looking at the e-bike battery recycling system, it’s clear that proper disposal is one key to enhanced safety and environmental health. Fortunately, there is no shortage of options for disposing of defective batteries correctly, from authorized collection points to specialist dealers to environmentally-friendly recycling. Remember: By following these guidelines, you are making a big contribution to a cleaner environment.

Curious about how to extend the life of your battery? Our blog post E-BIKE BATTERY LIFE CYCLE: HOW LONG DOES AN E-BIKE BATTERY LAST? has the answers!
